

Updated: March 6, 2020 at 1:45pm

Guidelines for Protecting the Health of the NYFA Communities

Dear NYFA Students, Faculty and Staff,

Of crucial importance is the need for our community to stay both calm and informed. It is also important for us as a community to respect one another, focus on facts, and respond compassionately to those who need support. NYFA administration remains fully committed in our daily review of CDC and State Public Health Department advisories and we remain actively engaged in planning efforts to address emerging information and response plans that may be advised. 

Please read carefully the revised guidelines detailed below. The new guidelines will hopefully provide clear and specific instruction for when individuals are to seek immediate medical assistance. The sole intent of this communication is to present information that sustains the health and well-being of our community. Presently, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on any NYFA campus. Although new cases of COVID-19 are being reported in New York, California, and Florida, the CDC maintains that risk for coronavirus infection to the general public in the US is low. 

If you start feeling ill: 
  • Seek immediate medical assistance if you have traveled within 14 days to any of the countries experiencing widespread and sustained community spread of the coronavirus (China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, and Japan) OR you have been in contact with person (s) with confirmed COVID-19 OR you have been in close contact with persons having contact with individuals with COVID-19 or individuals who have traveled to those countries experiencing widespread and/or sustained community spread of the coronavirus AND you experience any ONE of the following symptoms:
    • Fever (100.4F/38 C) or higher
    • Cough
    • Difficulty Breathing
    • Pneumonia
    The number of countries experiencing widespread and/or sustained community spread is expected to increase. Please check the CDC website daily for up-to-date travel advisories:
  • Seek immediate medical assistance if you have high fever and lower respiratory illness (cough or difficulty breathing). 
  • Seek immediate medical assistance if you have a chronic medical illness (such as asthma, diabetes, emphysema, heart failure, chronic bronchitis, or other serious lung condition) AND you have fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
  • Follow any medical directives you have received and do not return to school/work until you are medically cleared to do so.
  • If you have a fever (100.4F/38C or higher) or severe cough, stay home and do not attend classes or return to work until you are free of fever and cough for 24 hours, without the aid of fever reducing or cough suppressing medications. This is a standard health guideline adopted by institutions, year round and nationwide. 
  • If you are experiencing mild symptoms of upper respiratory illness (sneezing, sinus congestion, post-nasal drip, hoarseness/laryngitis) and the conditions noted in the first bulleted statement above do not apply, you may take care of yourself as you typically would when coping, for example, with a common cold. Any individual coughing or sneezing (hence spreading pathogens) is strongly advised to strictly adhere to the personal hygiene guidelines noted below and wear a mask when on campus, taking public transportation, and attending public events or gatherings.

If you are being tested for COVID-19 and if you have been sent home to self-quarantine and/or self-monitor, please adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Monitor your symptoms and call your health provider immediately should your symptoms worsen. 
  • Take your temperature twice daily. 
  • Avoid sharing household items.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into your sleeve. Dispose of the tissue in a lined trashcan and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home, such as TV remotes, computer keyboards, phones, refrigerator and door handles, etc.). 
  • Stay home and avoid contact with others and nonessential travel. 
  • Avoid traveling via public transportation, taxis or ride-shares during the time you are practicing social distancing. 
  • Keep your distance from others (about 6 feet or 2 meters).
  • Stay connected with family and friends through email, Skype, phone, and social media to ward of feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Reach out to NYFA staff for assistance and guidance (see below for contact information). 

All NYFA students, faculty and staff are strongly advised to follow best practice guidelines for preventing the transmission of respiratory illness, noted below:
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
  • Stay home when you are sick. 
  • Cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue (or sleeve) and throw the tissue in a lined trashcan. 
  • Avoid shaking hands and other close physical greetings with coworkers and peers. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 
  • Follow general precautions by getting the flu vaccination and taking antiviral medication, if prescribed. 

We sincerely thank you for complying with these guidelines and doing your part to ensure your health and the health and safety of our community. 

Travel Alert
Avoidance to exposure can be best accomplished by following the non-pharmaceutical interventions previously described. It is also very important to heed the travel advisories published by the CDC and state and local health departments. 

Presently The CDC has issued a Travel Warning Level 3, advising travelers to avoid all nonessential travel, to China, South Korea, Iran, and Italy. Senior adults and individuals with chronic medical illness are advised not to travel to Japan (Travel Warning Level 2).  

New York and Miami Departments of Public Health are requesting, as a precautionary measure, that all individuals arriving from China, Iran, Italy, South Korea and Japan self-isolate for 14 days. Individuals, for example, arriving to NY, will be screened at the airports and will be subject to either government-imposed quarantine or self-quarantine protocols.  

Based on CDC and public health department directives, NYFA is restricting all travel to China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, and Japan. 

NYFA is also requiring all individuals arriving from China, Iran, South Korea, Italy and Japan to self-isolate for 14 days from the day of their arrival in the US. If it not possible for you to effectively self-isolate in your home, please contact the dean of your campus (students) or Human Resources (employees)- contact information noted below- so that we can share with you alternative options. 

These restrictions and protocols will be active until further notice. US State Department and CDC travel advisories are being closely monitored and this travel alert may be revised as new information emerges. 

We realize that many members of the NYFA community live globally and engage in routine and frequent international travel. Please closely evaluate your travel plans. As the CDC and US Department of State continue to evaluate the incidence of outbreak in individual countries, without much lead time, entry to the US from the country you are visiting may be prohibited, you may encounter canceled flights, and/or you may be subject to a 14 day government imposed quarantine before being granted entry back into the US. To best manage the potential for disruption to your travel plans, please consult frequently the CDC website for travelers:

F1/M1 International Student with questions regarding travel, please contact the appropriate International Student Office:

NY:    212.674.4300
LA:  818.333.3558
SB: 305.534.6009

Medical Resources 

Urgent Care Facilities
NYFA students, faculty and staff can receive same day medical assessment/treatment at the following facilities located in close proximity to campuses in NY, LA and Miami. Please call ahead. 

  • New York: CityMD 24 Broad Street, NY NY 10005 tel. 646.647.1259
  • NYU Langone MedHatten , NY NY 10005 tel. 646-461-2544 
  • LA: Burbank Urgent Care 3413 Pacific Ave. #110, Burbank, CA 91505 tel.818.953.4408
  • Miami: Baptist Health Urgent Care 709 Alton Road Miami, FL 33139 tel.786.422.0184

TeleHealth and Virtual Visit Options:
Students covered by NYFA Student Health Insurance Plan (NYFASHIP)
Faculty/Staff covered by United Behavioral Health Care ($25 copay)
Faculty/Staff covered by Kaiser
  • Schedule a phone appointment, video visit or E-visit at or call 1-833-574-2273

Hotlines and Help Centers
New York State: 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-364-3065)
Florida State: COVID Call Center: 1-866-779-6121 (8am-midnight) or 
Los Angeles:  Los Angeles County Information Line 2-1-1 (24/7) 

NYFA Resources

Disposable Thermometers 
In the event any member of our community is feeling feverish, disposable thermometers are available on campus. To access a thermometer and instruction sheet, please go the locations noted below. 
NY: 5th floor receptionist counter. 
SOBE: Front desk on the second floor or see Eddy on the third floor 
LA: Front desks at Riverside and Barham 

NYFA Staff Resources 
Please request guidance or report concerns regarding your health and/or the health of other NYFA students, faculty or staff members to one of the following individuals, depending on the campus where they study or work. 

Sandra Schein, Dean of Students, NY:
Susan Ashe, Dean of Students, LA:
Maylen Dominguez, Campus Dean, SB:

Pankti Shah, HR Director (LA):
Domingo Morales, Associate HR Director (NY, SoBE):

Your health, well-being and ability to safely continue your studies/work remain our highest priorities. We thank you for your continuing partnership and patience in this evolving situation. 

NYFA Administration

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