The New York Film Academy welcomes opinions and feedback about our policies, programs, and services in order to make positive changes and help NYFA identify any serious or systematic problems or issues affecting the quality of student life. The Student Grievance reporting form is open to all NYFA students. The Student Grievance reporting form is not open to parents, relatives, employers, agents, or other persons acting on behalf of a student.
If a student encounters a problem with a specific faculty or staff member, a NYFA policy or any other issue that may be impacting his or her learning environment, a student may initiate a formal grievance or complaint using the online reporting form below:
The following matters are not handled as Student Grievances within the scope of the Student Grievance Review & Resolution Process, but may be directed for attention as follows:
- Grade Appeal: Academic Department
- Curriculum matters: Academic Department
- Graduation / Degree requirements: Registrar's Office
- Financial Aid disputes: Financial Aid Office
- Tuition disputes: Bursar's Office
You may use these reporting forms to submit the following complaints or concerns:
- Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
- Student Conduct (Please note Disruptive Behavior in the classroom is classified as a Student Conduct Incident.)
- Students of Concern
Student Grievance Review and Resolution Process
The Student Grievance Review and Resolution Process can be found in the NYFA SB Course Catalog.
All students, faculty, and staff have the right to due process in any action brought against them by NYFA that may adversely affect their academic or employment status with the institution. Students and employees have the right to petition for special consideration with regard to the academic and administrative policies and procedures when circumstances beyond their control prevent them from adhering to said policies and procedures.
NYFA will address all appropriate student grievances promptly. A grievance is considered appropriate if a student expresses feelings of dissatisfaction concerning any application or interpretation of NYFA administrative or management-related policy.
Informal Grievance Procedures:
Before filing a formal grievance, students are encouraged to attempt to resolve the matter informally with the person alleged to have committed the violation, or with the head or chair of the department or program in which the alleged violation occurred. The student may also contact the Dean of Students for assistance with informal resolution. If a resolution cannot be reached through informal discussions, a student may file a formal grievance.
Formal Grievance Procedures:
Students wishing to file a formal grievance may use the Student Grievance Reporting Form linked above.
All student complaints will be investigated thoroughly, per the Student Grievance Review and Resolution Process.
Additional Notes:
Questions about the Student Grievance Review and Resolution Process may be directed to the Dean of Students.