 | LGBTQI+ Support Group Wednesdays (Ongoing) at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET Join therapist Kathia Rabelo in exploring gender, sexuality and identity in a supportive space. This group will explore such themes as dating, loneliness, creativity and passion. Develop a stronger sense of awareness and mindfulness to feelings, exploring limits and boundaries of school, relationships and self. Click Here to Join
Anxiety and Stress Support Group Tuesdays (Ongoing) at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET Join therapist Kathia Rabelo in a supportive space for expressing weekly challenges in regard to anxiety and stress, including coping mechanisms and skill building. This group will explore such themes as managing school, maintaining and developing relationships, safety and empowerment. Develop a greater awareness of body/mind connectedness and strategies to better understand and manage difficult emotions. Click Here to Join
International Student Support Group Wednesday 7/22/20 at 12 p.m PT/3 p.m. ET Join Director of Counseling, NYC Jacky Hunt & International Student Office Director, Leslie Cummings for support and up-to-date information on policy changes. Connect to other students to share your thoughts, fears and concerns in a supportive space. Click to Register
Bounce Back: Nurture Inner Resilience Group Thursdays @ 12:30 p.m. PT/ 3:30 p.m. ET starting July 23rd Do you struggle with setbacks and negative thinking? Do you get discouraged easily? Do you want to learn skills to help you bounce back from life’s challenges? Join Director of Counseling NYC’s Jacky Hunt in a 4-week group to help you develop new ways of coping with life’s difficulties. Click to Register |
 | Covid Stress: You’re Not Alone The “Covid-15” has impacted many of us and depending on our relationship with food and our body size, weight gain has been difficult. More than three months into distancing measures, experts are certain that stress is a major contributing factor. If you’re drinking alcohol, that can be the source of weight gain, and a sign that you’re trying to cope with your stresses in a less-than-healthy way.

Still Struggling to Study? While some students are happy to be at home attending classes, many of you have struggled with motivation and studying. Here are some ideas to help you rethink your study habits to increase your happiness. |
 | Veteran Mental Health This month we celebrated Independence Day so NYFA Counseling wants to recognize the Veterans and their families within our community. Part of NYFA’s unique diversity comes from our population of Student Veterans & their families. Currently, there are more than 100 veterans enrolled across our campuses. Like many other students, Veterans can be hesitant to ask for help. It can be difficult to ask, but that is the first step in getting the care you need and deserve.
Why Get Help? Why not?! When we are faced with a medical problem, it’s best we address it quickly. The same is true for our mental health. Mental Health America’s B4Stage4 campaign clarifies the importance of getting help early. Attitudes and stigma about mental health have changed and services and support are available on many fronts. Check out Real Warriors, Real Battles, Real Strength for stories and information about seeking help. Do you have VA health care? The website explains the process of finding mental health care. You can apply for VA insurance here. Explore Military OneSource for information on just about everything you and your family might need to take care of yourselves. Connect with your local Vet Center and follow the DeptofVetAffairs on Instagram for their Tai Chi exercises, part of their #livewholehealth initiative. If you’re unsure about where to begin, reach out to one of NYFA’s on-campus clinicians for a consultation.
NYFA Counselors Are Always Here for You

Need Psychiatric Support? Remote psychiatry appointments nationwide Mindful Urgent Care | Same Day Psychiatric Services |
 | How Do I Know It's Time to Get Help? People seek out therapy for a variety of reasons. Changes in mood, motivation, concentration, activity, and sleep interruptions often motivate folks to get help. Consider how long and intense these changes are and how much they have impacted your typical functioning. If you’re unsure, take a mental health test to help you decide. Here is an idea of what you can expect the first time you meet with a therapist.

Have a question or suggestion? Let us know via email: counseling@nyfa.edu |