Seeking medical attention through emergency and follow-up services is recommended and can address physical well-being, health concerns, such as sexually transmitted diseases, and may specific treatment for victims of sexual assault.
While NYFA does not have a health or medical center on campus, community members are encouraged to visit local accident and emergency departments (‘pronto soccorso’), like Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova, Piazza S. Maria Nuova, 1,+39 055-69381, for medical attention and forensic examination.
An examination includes routine laboratory tests such as blood test, pregnancy test, toxicological tests, tests for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases as well as the collection of DNA and biological samples. With consent, the Doctor may take photographic evidence of any injuries when necessary and collect clothing and other items with relevant biological evidence. The collection of evidence obtained during the examination may aid in an institutional investigation or legal process.
The decision to obtain an examination does not commit any individual to any course of action but does preserve the full range of options to seek resolution, if the individual chooses to in the future. Doctors will require consent to report the results of examination to the police, unless in the case of minors or in the case of any injury requiring more than 20 days hospitalization.
Evidence of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking should be preserved as soon as possible, even if you are unsure about reporting to New York Film Academy or filing criminal charges. It is important to preserve evidence to aid in the possibility of a successful criminal prosecution or obtaining a protection order. Evidence may be collected even if you chose not to make a report to law enforcement.
There is a limited window of time (typically 72 to 96 hours) following an incident of sexual assault to preserve physical and other forms of evidence. Taking the step to gather evidence immediately does not commit an individual to any course of action. The decision to seek medical attention and gather any evidence will preserve the full range of options to seek resolution through the New York Film Academy’s complaint processes or criminal action, including obtaining a protection order.
As time passes, evidence may dissipate or become lost or unavailable, thereby making investigation, possible prosecution, disciplinary proceedings, or obtaining protection from abuse orders related to the incident more difficult. If an individual chooses not to report the incident, he/she/they should consider speaking with the Campus Director or law enforcement to preserve evidence in the event he/she/they change their mind at a later date.
Preserving Forensic Evidence
If you are thinking about reporting and pursuing legal options, a prompt forensic examination can be crucial.
Avoiding drinking, bathing, showering, brushing your teeth using mouthwash, or combing your hair
Do not change clothes. If you have already changed clothes, place your clothing or other items (sheets, blankets) in a brown paper bag (a plastic bag may destroy evidence).
Go to a local accident and emergency departments (‘pronto soccorso’), which has the capability to provide medical attention and forensic examinationIf you suspect that you are the victim of a drug-facilitated sexual assault, ask the hospital or clinic where you receive medical care to take a urine sample. Drugs, such as Rohypnol and GHB, are more likely to be detected in urine than in blood. GHB leaves the body in 12 hours.
Preserving Physical Evidence
Physical evidence should be preserved even if you choose not to go to the hospital for a forensic exam. Save all of the clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault. Put each item in a separate paper bag (do not use plastic bags). Save all bedding (blankets, sheets) and put each in a separate paper bag. Take photographs of any visible physical injuries (bruising, scratches) for use as evidence. If you report to law enforcement, they may want their own photos as evidence
Preserving Electronic Evidence
Evidence such as texts, emails, Facebook posts, chats, pictures, videos, or other forms of electronic communication can be helpful in a college or criminal investigation. Download, save as a PDF, take screenshots, or use other methods to preserve electronic evidence.