NYFA Production COVID Updates
June 3, 2021
Dear NYFA LA Community,
We hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
As we continue our Summer Semester, we received new updates to LA County Public Health’s Appendix J protocols for COVID-19 testing for productions.
Effective immediately, all those who are “fully vaccinated” will no longer need to provide an RT-PCR COVID-19 test ahead of productions. This only applies to production-based NYFA activities such as Production Workshops, Practicums, Acting for Film, and student film shoots.
“Fully vaccinated,” per LA County, means that it has been 14 days since you have received your final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization.
Those who are not vaccinated or have not reached two weeks after their final dose will still be required to provide a negative RT-PCR test taken within 48-72 hours of their scheduled production.
NYFA's testing protocol to attend in-person NYFA activities during the Summer Semester still requires one negative RT-PCR test taken within 7 days of your first in-person activity, regardless of your vaccination status.
If you have sent proof of your vaccination record to NYFA’s COVID Team, you do not need to do so again for future productions. If you have not yet sent in your vaccination record please submit a photo of your vaccine card to covidteamla@nyfa.edu.
We strongly encourage everyone to continue keeping our community safe as we prepare for the Fall Semester. If you wish to schedule an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine please visit LA County Public Health COVID-19 Vaccine.
Stay safe and be well, NYFA LA’s COVID-19 Administration Team |