
Welcome and LA Campus Update: May 7

Updated: May 7, 2021 at 1:30pm PT


Dear NYFA LA Community,


Welcome to the Summer Semester!  


Summer Semester Welcome Video with COVID-19 Updates

We encourage you to watch the Summer Semester Welcome Video with COVID-19 Updates.  The video is about 11 minutes long and describes expectations for hybrid students who will be attending in-person classes on-campus. 


All are encouraged to read recent communication with the NYFA LA community that includes Summer Semester Updates and Frequently Asked Questions


Summer Semester 2021 

Classes begin Monday, May 10, 2021! This includes limited in-person, on-campus classes, in addition to some off-site productions or production workshops. 

  • Summer Semester 2021 will be a hybrid of in-person and remote learning.

  • Students unable to attend in-person classes can attend Summer Semester 2021 classes remotely.

    • F1 international students who enter the US for Summer Semester 2021 must take in-person classes IF they are offered. For questions about your visa status, please contact the International Student Office at  

  • Any individual participating in any in-person activities, must follow NYFA's COVID Safety Plan and meet NYFA’s requirements for campus entry including.  More details on the following can be found in the Summer Semester FAQs:

  1. Self-quarantine for any returning to LA from outside the area 

  2. Follow NYFA’s COVID-19 Testing Protocols & Requirements 

  3. Fill out NYFA’s COVID-19 Symptom Tracker App each day you are scheduled to attend an in-person activity

  4. Sign NYFA’s COVID Acknowledgement and Pledge to Follow Safety Guidelines 

  5. Complete NYFA’s COVID-19 Safety Training on the NYFA Student Hub 


On-Campus Expectations

It’s been over a year since most of us have been on-campus in-person.  We made a handy guide to give hybrid students returning to in-person activities on-campus some essential expectations. Following these expectations will help NYFA LA maintain a safe and healthy community, and increase the likelihood we will get to maintain in-person activities on-campus.


Curious about how to get around campus, and where to find everything? Check out the Virtual Video Tour of the NYFA LA Campus. For more detailed information on safety precautions, check out the NYFA LA Safety On-Campus expectations.  


If you have any questions about the information in this LA Campus Update, please email




Dan Mackler


Dean of NYFA Los Angeles



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