Accessibility Services

Registering for Accessibility Services

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.  Consideration is given to the particular program requirements and the nature of the students’ disability.  Our programs are non-traditional; it is possible that accommodations needed to assist learning and academic success in high school will not be needed to facilitate student success at NYFA.

Students requesting accommodations are required to secure and submit to Miami Student Accessibility Services ( current and relevant (within five years of enrollment) documentation. The submitted documentation must include the following information: evaluator’s name, title, professional credentials; diagnoses; history of illness; notification of medications and their potential impact on learning; and description of the conditions’ impact on fulfilling the demands of higher education (academic, social, emotional, and physical functioning), and the accommodations recommended to promote accessibility.   A school plan, such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or Summary of Performance (SOP) can be submitted as documentation as long as the information provided addresses the impact of the condition and assists NYFA in determining a connection between the learning difference(s) and the accommodation(s) requested.  Submitted materials are securely stored with Miami Student Accessibility Service ( and are considered privileged communication.

Miami SAS will collaborate with the student in reviewing the documentation, discussing the particular nature and requirements of the academic program, and deciding what accommodations the school will provide.


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